Why You Need a Website

In today’s fast, technology ruled society it is essential for all businesses to have a presence on the web.  An increasing percentage of the population is becoming computer savvy and takes advantage of the immense amount of information, and the ease at which it is available, on the Internet.

A large portion of revenue at your businesses comes from referrals.  Because it is so easy to type the name of a business into an Internet search engine, many potential clients check your business out to verify its legitimacy before actually using your services.  In the past, people did this search in the phone book.  However, not only are phone books not always readily available, but the information they contain may not be accurate as changes in address and phone numbers cannot be immediately updated.  Furthermore, a search conducted on the Internet takes much less time, and therefore it is the means of choice by which potential clients gather information.

The Internet is saturated with uncontrollable information.  There are websites such as merchantcircle.com, yelp.com, yellowbot.com, and others that gather information on your business and post the information for all to see.  This information is unregulated and can be incorrect.  Oftentimes the websites give Internet users the ability to rate and comment on your business.  Again, this information is unregulated and could be deleterious, as it can be critical of your business, to acquiring the referrals.

Having your own website allows your business to direct potential clients towards information you want them to see.   It also directs potential clients away from the potentially harmful, uncontrollable information, which could result in the loss of business.

Moreover, having a website distinguishes your business from competitors that do not have a website.  It also allows clients to confirm information such as addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and hours of operation without incident.  This information will always be accurate because the content on websites can be updated immediately in case of a change of information.

The Internet has a growing presence and role in our world, which means that the website will not become obsolete.

Finally, having a website allows your business to get in front of your clients again.  During times when business is slow, you can remind clients of all the services you provide by telling them to check out your new website.